At Eden Chiropractic we treat a variety of health problems.
Musculoskeletal issues are treated with typical Chiropractic methods like manual Adjustments and soft tissue techniques with after care exercises and recommendations. Gentle methods like using the Activator Instrument and ‘Blocks’ are employed for those in need.
The charge for a consultation is $90 Children $75
We also have a particular interest in complex health issues like ;
Post Concussion Syndrome
Intractable Migraine
Functional Neurological Disorder
Long term Vertigo or Dizziness
Long term Stroke recovery
Neuro developmental conditions
Neuro degenerative conditions
These are all considered on an individual basis.
The equipment and methods that might be utilised include;
19 Channel Electroencephalography
Force Plate (Balance) Analysis
Multi-axis Rotation
Vestibular Ocular Reflex Adaption Training
Sensory Motor Integration Reaction Training
Entrainment Therapy
Cold Laser
Alternating Trans cranial electrical stimulation
Repetitive Periferal Somatosensory Stimulation
There are always exercises and recommendations to be considered during and after treatment.
The premise we work with is that sensory motor integration is aberrant causing a health compromise.
Simply put, our ability to see, balance and hear has to be accurately interpreted and used by the brain to move us around with grace.
So either the ‘input’ is not right.
Or the brain’s processing ability is compromised.
Or the output from the brain is affected.
Often with combinations of these.
Either way we individualise a treatment program to suit the deficiencies, we measure various parameters before and after treatment to make sure the goals are being achieved and we modify the treatment program as needed.
The initial assessment takes around three hours costing $350.
Following discussion of the results a program is designed and implemented during 15 one and a half hour appointments spanning 1-4 weeks.
The cost of the 15 hour program is $3000.
Payment is required at the beginning of the treatment.
Should this approach interest you it is advisable to ring the clinic and discuss your condition with a clinician before making an appointment.